Match Report

Red Cross
today's match is sponsored by Red Cross

Match Report

Match Report
It's a beautiful clear and sunny day here at Stadio Marc Antonio Bentegodi where Chievo Verona play Belenenses in this Inter Cup game. A crowd of 9,734 fill this 10,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Chievo Verona are playing in a 4-3-3 formation while Belenenses appear to be shaped for 4-2-4.
Today's match is refereed by Pierre Battles.

The whistle blows and Belenenses get the match underway!
Giampaolo Mazzi threads a neat ball through to Olivier Facciutto. Olivier Facciutto controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Aladino Danotti. Aladino Danotti skips past Antonio Loureiro! Some silky footwork from Aladino Danotti provides him some room. He curls a shot at goal his aim is horrendously poor!
Miguel Viera passes the ball forward to Aladino Danotti. Aladino Danotti deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Paolo Tasso but the linesman indicates offside!
Olivier Facciutto clumsily knocks into Rui Postiga. The referee calls over Olivier Facciutto and warns him to calm down! Rui Postiga stretches but gets up unharmed.
Miguel Viera controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Gianmarco Lanna. Gianmarco Lanna plays a one-two with Aladino Danotti and rushes in on goal... Gianmarco Lanna tries a spectacular strike but it is miles over!
Rui Postiga threads the ball through to Alexandre Fernandes. Alexandre Fernandes knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Giampaolo Mazzi.
Rafik Zerdoux advances with the ball. Rafik Zerdoux flicks a high ball forward to Alexandre Fernandes who gracefully takes it down. Alexandre Fernandes plays a scrappy one-two with Garry Strachan and stumbles forward towards the goal... Alexandre Fernandes muscles his way past his marker and unleashes a shot at goal. Fantastic reactions from Davide Stovini blocks the shot!
Paul Bräutigam flicks a high pass forward. Paolo Tasso easily holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Paolo Tasso plays a quick one-two with Aladino Danotti and rushes in on goal... Paolo Tasso shows great control and tries a shot on goal. Magnificent save by Tiago Ferreira!
Rui Postiga flicks a high pass forward. Paulo Valente collects the pass. Paulo Valente shoots from long range but it flies wide!
Miguel Viera catches Andre Moutinho on the ankles. The referee calls over Miguel Viera and warns him to calm down! Andre Moutinho grimaces as he struggles to run off the knock.
Daniele Cesari threads a neat ball through to Paul Bräutigam. Paul Bräutigam knocks the ball to his team mate, Gianmarco Lanna. Gianmarco Lanna sees the keeper off his line and tries a speculative shot on goal. The ball swerves viciously but the keeper is a match for it. Superb keeping!
Miguel Viera flicks a high pass forward to Gianmarco Lanna who brings the ball under control. Gianmarco Lanna passes the ball forward but Aladino Danotti is offside!
Olivier Facciutto knocks the ball forward to Gianmarco Lanna. Gianmarco Lanna plays a one-two with Paolo Tasso and rushes in on goal... Gianmarco Lanna looks for support before firing off a hurried shot at goal. Good keeping from Tiago Ferreira as he gets his fingers to the ball and pushes it wide.
It's a corner kick. Paul Bräutigam loops the ball in to towards the near post. Some clumsy but lucky footwork from Olivier Facciutto provides some space. He shoots at goal but it rises well off target!
Daniele Cesari controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Olivier Facciutto. Olivier Facciutto knocks the ball forward to Gianmarco Lanna. Gianmarco Lanna makes a defence splitting pass to Paolo Tasso. Some good footwork from Paolo Tasso provides some space. He shoots at goal. The ball clips the inside of the post and flies into the back of the net!! Goal for Chievo Verona!
Paul Bräutigam threads a neat ball through to Gianmarco Lanna. Gianmarco Lanna advances inside the box! Gianmarco Lanna looks for support before firing off a hurried shot at goal. It's a goal!! What a beauty!
Olivier Facciutto darts forward. Olivier Facciutto chips the ball to his team mate, Aladino Danotti. Aladino Danotti side-steps and rifles a shot at goal but it's well over the bar!
The first half ends with the referee blowing his whistle!

Both teams emerge for the second half. Chievo Verona appear unchanged since the first half. Belenenses also appear unchanged since the first half.

The whistle blows and Chievo Verona get the second half underway!
Paul Bräutigam flicks a high ball forward to Aladino Danotti who takes it down. Aladino Danotti knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Paul Bräutigam knocks the ball to his team mate, Aladino Danotti. Aladino Danotti shoots from long range. Tiago Ferreira gathers the ball up comfortably. Well saved!
Antonio Loureiro controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Rui Postiga. Rui Postiga sees Paulo Valente in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Paulo Valente shoots from 20 yards but it is shockingly off target!
Cesar Lima takes it forward alone. Cesar Lima brings the ball forward. Cesar Lima cuts inside the box! Cesar Lima rockets a shot on goal but it flies well off target!
Daniele Cesari sees Olivier Facciutto in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Olivier Facciutto flicks a high pass forward. Aladino Danotti controls it well on his chest. Aladino Danotti whips in a cross ball towards Paolo Tasso. Paolo Tasso jumps high and flicks the ball with his head. It's there!! Tiago Ferreira has to pick the ball from the back of the net!
Miguel Viera clumsily knocks into Rui Postiga. The referee calls over Miguel Viera again and warns him to calm down! Rui Postiga runs off the knock.
Miguel Viera hits a low pass to Aladino Danotti. Aladino Danotti cuts inside the box! Aladino Danotti cuts inside onto his preferred left foot and rushes a shot at goal but it is tipped over by Tiago Ferreira.
Rui Postiga passes the ball forward to Luis Marques. Luis Marques lofts in a cross ball towards Paulo Valente. Paulo Valente is unmarked! He powers a header at goal. The ball skims just under the bar, beyond the keeper's outstretched hand. Goal!!
Miguel Viera sees space and advances. Miguel Viera knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
With some swift thinking, Olivier Facciutto plays the ball forward to Aladino Danotti. Aladino Danotti shoots from long range but it slams into the crowd!
Fabio Bianchi controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Rui Postiga. Rui Postiga threads a neat ball through to Luis Marques. Luis Marques lofts in a cross ball towards Alexandre Fernandes. Alexandre Fernandes rises majestically and gets a header on goal which easily beats the keeper. Goal!!
Miguel Viera makes a simple pass to Aladino Danotti. Aladino Danotti deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Paolo Tasso but the linesman indicates offside!
The whistle indicates full-time!

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 3 vs 2
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 8 vs 3
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 5 vs 3
Offsides: 4 vs 0
Fouls: 3 vs 0
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 63.6363636363636 vs 36.3636363636364
Play Area
Home team third: 19.48%, Midfield: 46.75%, Away team third: 33.77%

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Paolo Tasso of Chievo Verona

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
1. Dayo Natali (GK)
6. Miguel Viera (MID)
10. Paolo Tasso (ATT)
11. Aladino Danotti (ATT)

13. Paul Young (DEF)
14. Jimmy Mancini (ATT)

2. Fabio Bianchi (DEF)
3. Cesar Lima (DEF)
5. Rafik Zerdoux (DEF)
7. Rui Postiga (MID)
9. Luis Marques (ATT)
11. Paulo Valente (ATT)

12. Bruno Gomes (MID)
13. Helder Postiga (ATT)
14. Joao Castro (GK)